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High School Programs

     Our snarky and hip take on Biblical stories about relationships and community (Kehillah) make Moses, Abraham, Rebekah, and Tzipporah accessible and entertaining for even the most cynical crowds.

     We perform mini-scenes and our canon includes 20 different stories from the entire Tanakh, each with a different mitzvah-- so we never perform the same show twice.  

     And we keep it funny, performing engaging songs and award-winning Jewish Stand-up Comedy. Each program ends with community-building Improv games that teach Respect (Kavod) and listening skills (the Sh’ma) that everyone can enjoy!

USY Encampment (HaGalil) NJ

USY Encampment (Koach) METNY- NY

Camp JORI- Staff Show

Camp Moshava Ba'Ir, B'nei Akiva, NY- Staff Show

Camp Pinemere- Staff Show

Camp Ramah, Berkshires- Staff Show

Camp Ramah, Chicago, IL- Staff Show

Camp Ramah, Poconos- Staff Show

Camp Ramah, Nyack- Staff Show

Camp Yavneh, NH- Staff Show

Camp Young Judaea - Wimberely, TX- Staff Show

Camp Young Judaea of Sprout Lake, NY- Staff Show

BBYO International Kallah- PA

Congregation Chizuk Amuno, MD

Gann Academy, MA- All-School Retreat

Orangetown Jewish Center, NY- Na'aseh Teen Program

JECC, OH- Israel Day

Solomon Schechter of Westchester, NY 

Solomon Schechter High School of Long Island, NY 

Weber High School, GA 

Temple Emanu-El, Closter, NJ- Hebrew High

Temple Sinai, Stamford, CT

The Princeton Jewish Center, NJ- Hebrew High School

We've performed this show at...

A bit of the fun...

Funny Weber Photo 1
Funny Weber Photo 2
Aaron Improv-ing

"Our High Schoolers loved it! Funny, educational, and engaging!"

-Ori Salzberg, Director of Studet Life Weber High School, Atlanta GA

"The Bible Players held the attention of 100 USY teens who also had a great time. No small feat!"

-Bruce Varon

Director of USY, METNY Region

"You guys make being Jewish cool. I have never seen our teens that spell bound by Torah. Yashar Koachem!"

-Rabbi Andrea Merow,

Cong. Beth Sholom, Phila PA

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